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Summer has just begun. To describe the heat as uncomfortable would be an understatement. But Hopewell is cool compared to other parts of the globe. Death Valley’s highest recorded temperature is 134 degrees. But this is not the same as surface temperature, which has been recorded at 201 degrees, only a few degrees from boiling water. We never want to experience that kind of heat, but we can learn from these beyond uncomfortable situations.
For example, Proverbs 17:3 says, “The crucible is for silver, the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts.” When precious metals like silver and gold are heated beyond their usual temperature, contaminations can be removed from them, making them shiny and pure. In the same way our hearts are purified by God, and we should not expect a comfortable process. Settling and becoming comfortable with impurities in our life is what disfigures and makes us dull. God wants our hearts so shiny He can see Himself in them. A hot day can remind us of God working in our hearts, not to destroy us but to drive off the elements that will.
1 Peter 1:6-7 describes the crucible itself as the various trials we face. These are moments God can use, like heat to purify our faith. Our faith is described as “more precious than gold.” If we understand the desire to purify gold and the necessity of heat to accomplish that desire, then surely, we can grasp the utility provided by those daily trials we face in growing our faith and conforming us to the image of Christ.
Back in Hopewell, if we can cool off occasionally and drink plenty of water we will survive. Now we can also thank God for the counsel his word provides in even our beyond uncomfortable momentary trials.